SWOT Analysis
After careful management audit we are able to judge the possible assumptions cumin up relating to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities which we can focus upon and threats which can arise due to various factors which can be both internal and external.
Goal Formultion
Marketing objectives are made out of the assumptions because it helps us in designing the marketing strategy regarding what possibly we can do in order to satisfy the customer with the help of required resources and how on the basis of present growth can guide us in designing further strategies.
Strategic Formulation
After laying down the marketing objectives we can do the most important part that is budgeting the plan which not only includes budgeting for operational activities but also long term projects which will come up as a result of diversification and other unexpected change in government policies and prices of raw materials and other things etc.
Program Formulation and Implementation
After this some companies in order to monitor whether the plan made is good enough to last in the market for long an implementation is done on a trial basis and time period is stated as per the company wants to.
Feedback and Control
It is done to find loop holes and doing required modification.
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