Advertisements that will give you a mental workout
What do you think this print ad is trying to convey?
Does it help that the slogan is - The Bite of The Coffee?
This ad by Stella™ suffers from one of the most common mistakes advertisers make:
Decorating without Persuading
Graphic artists generally create a visual style and call it “branding.” This is fine if your product is related to fashion, is a fragrance, an attitude or a lifestyle, but God help you if you sell a service or a product that’s meant to perform.
You might be blown away by the beauty of the design and think that it represents you well. That it is the right mood for your product or service, and will help you generate some sales; But sorry to disappoint you, your bankers disagree.
Check out this advertisement -
Creative genius right?
Still while the viewers greatly commended the ad, they maintained that they would not buy the product unless the technical anomalies were rectified.
So this becomes an example of Involving without Persuading
The best ads cause customers to see themselves taking the action you desire. These ads deliver:
(A.) delivering a clear message.
(B.) explaining the benefit to the customer.
(C.) substantiating their claims,
All causing the customer to imagine themselves taking the desired action.
Do you believe the public has to like an ad for the ad to be effective?
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